Sunday, December 06, 2009

I Am

I was chatting with a friend the other day when it was mentioned that I was sensitive.(It wasn't a offense, I brought it up)
"I'm not really that sensitive, ok I guess I am. I'm working on it though, and I'm working on befriending those I'm annoyed(put annoyed, meant peeps that make me feel upset) by. It's on my list. I always have somthing to work on.", I replyed.
"wow...your really open, especcially on your blog" Was the persons reply.
I'm open, too.
"I believe in making it clear that I am not any better than you or anybodys else. Why should I hide(as in to pretend to be something I'm not)?
Besides, the Bible says to admit your imperfections and try to fix them." I returned.
"that's not exactly what I'm talking about, but yeah..."

So I learned at that time that I'm sensitive and open. And a lot older than I look. I've also learned that I'm crazy, and goofy.

Yeah, my sensitiveness is a that I am working very hard on. In fact, I've now befriended a couple people I used to be too sensitive towards. I'm near reaching my goal. Usually it's in volleyball or some other sport when I remind someone of a rule or something that might help them hit it better or something and I get the "whatever, I'll do what I want" look or I get ignored. It drives me mad. But, I recognized how I was reacting recently and realized that getting upset about it wasn't the right course of action. After a couple good readings in Proverbs and a good deal of prayer for patience and wisdom, I started giving out instructions less, for who am I to correct?, and started trying to encourage more. And when I do correct, I try not to get frustrated when I don't get the reaction I want. Ok, they do what they want. Their consequences are their own. I've automatically got the bossy gene since I have 6 brothers, and I have the tendance to be too bossy. So, still a lesson in progress; critisize less, encourage more.

Then there's the whole "open" thing. Yeah, I think writing out my thoughts and faults helps me realize what I need to work on. It comes to me pretty easy, and I find that a blessing.

I'm goofy? I object most strongly.

I'm crazy? Now that is a well known fact.

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